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Truvada vs Generic PrEP vs DESCOVY

Truvada vs Generic PrEP vs DESCOVY

Updated on:
July 30, 2024

In Canada, there are three different forms of PrEP as medicine; Truvada PrEP, a generic PrEP, and Descovy PrEP. The existence of multiple pills that all eliminate the risk of contracting HIV (by 99%) can make the decision harder for users. So what is the difference between these three offerings?

Truvada for PrEP

Truvada is simply a brand name developed and owned by Gilead Health. Truvada contains two anti-HIV drugs; tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) and emtricitabine (FTC). It is a small pill taken daily (or as PrEP on demand). Daily use has shown a 99% effectiveness for PrEP in eliminating the risk of contracting HIV.

While the frequency in which side effects occur from this PrEP medicine is very low in users, the TDF ingredient in Truvada can affect bone and kidney health. As a result, individuals who have pre-existing bone and kidney health conditions are not recommended to use Truvada.

Truvada is approved for use in Canada, but is not covered by provincial health plans. As a result, out of pocket cost, even with private health insurance, can be as much as $800/month.

Generic PrEP, or “generic Truvada”

Generic PrEP, or “generic Truvada”, shares many similarities with Truvada PrEP, but is not developed by Gilead. Most generic PrEP is manufactured by Apotex, Pharmascience, and JAMP. This lack of a strong, single company patent highlights generic PrEP’s biggest differentiator: accessibility. In Canada, provincial plans completely cover, or subside generic Truvada. This drastically cuts down the already low $250/month out of pocket cost for users.

As mentioned earlier, generic PrEP is a pill administered orally once a day, and has a 99% effectiveness rate of preventing HIV infection.


DESCOVY is similar to Truvada, in that they are both manufactured by Gilead Health. DESCOVY, the third PrEP drug highlighted, was created to combat the negative effects Truvada may have on kidney and bone health. This was achieved through the development of a new formulation of tenofovir called TAF (tenofovir alafenamide).

Despite the clear advantage Desovy has for bone health, it has the same efficacy rate in preventing HIV infections (99%). As a result, besides differences in bone and kidney reaction, there are few differences between DESCOVY and Truvada.

Similar to generic PrEP, the biggest differentiator is accessibility. In Canada, DESCOVY is not covered by provincial health insurance, and out-of-pocket costs are at least $1,000/month. However, in some provinces, such as British Columbia, patients with health insurance can be prescribed DESCOVY for little to no cost. With Freddie, 85% of patients with private insurance get Descovy for free.

Which is better? DESCOVY, generic or Truvada?

Most importantly, all three forms of PrEP are 99% effective in preventing HIV infection. Due to differences in individual needs, it is important to refer to a healthcare professional and find out which option is best for you.

Are you sexually active and want to minimize your exposure to HIV? Consider PrEP today! We’ve made it easier for you by compiling a list of where you can access PrEP in the following cities:

Choosing a PrEP medication

As highlighted above, accessibility is the biggest differentiating factor between the three highlighted PrEP options. Depending on an individual’s health insurance plan, and their own health history, one option may be a better fit than the others. This can vary by location, as provincial health plans and the scope of their coverage differ province to province.

Overall, this journey starts with a 1-on-1 consultation with a healthcare provider you trust in order to find the right plan for your individual health care needs.


What is the brand name Truvada?

Truvada is simply a brand name for Gilead Health. Truvada contains two anti-HIV drugs; tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) and emtricitabine (FTC). It is a small pill taken daily (or as PrEP on demand). Daily use has shown a 99% effectiveness for PrEP in eliminating the risk of contracting HIV.

What is a generic medication?

A generic medication is a drug created to be the same as the marketed brand-name drug, with the same dosage, chemical substance, instructions, etc. the only difference is generic drugs are allowed for sale after the patents on the original drugs expire 

Is there a generic version of Truvada?

The generic versions of Truvada for HIV PrEP are approved by Health Canada. The only difference between “Generic Truvada” and brand name Truvada is manufacturing and access. Generics of PrEP is not developed by Gilead but manufactured by Apotex, Pharmascience, and JAMP. There is no chemical difference between generic and brand name PrEP, they contain the same components.

Is generic Truvada effective?

Generic Truvada is a highly effective HIV prevention drug. According to the US Center for Disease Control (CDC), daily use of PrEP reduces your risk of getting HIV from sex by 99%. Generics and brand name PrEP carry the same level of efficiency.

What does generic Truvada cost?

Truvada has generic options that are free or low-cost for many Canadian residents. Depending on the province where you live, the cost of a PrEP prescription may vary. At Freddie, 90% of our patients qualify for free or low-cost PrEP. If you'd like to see a breakdown of costs by province, visit our PrEP costs in Canada article, or complete our 1-min assessment to immediately know how much you'll be expected to pay (Freddie services are completely free of charge). 

Is there an alternative to Truvada?

The only medication that has been approved for use as HIV PrEP with different components than Truvada is Descovy. Although Descovy can be an alternative to Truvada, Descovy’s is not indicated for those having vaginal sex, as its use has only been studied for anal sex.

How can I get Truvada, or generic Truvada, for free?

At Freddie, 90% of our patients qualify for free or low-cost PrEP. If you'd like to see a breakdown of costs by province, visit our PrEP costs in Canada article, or complete our 1-min assessment to immediately know how much you'll be expected to pay (Freddie services are completely free of charge). 

Which is better, Descovy or Truvada?

Descovy for PrEP is similar to Truvada, in that they are both manufactured by Gilead Health to prevent HIV. Descovy was created to combat the negative long-term effects Truvada may have on kidney and bone health. This was achieved through the development of a new formulation of tenofovir called TAF (tenofovir alafenamide). Both are equally effective at reducing risks of HIV transmission by 99%.

However, accessibility is the largest distinction between Descovy & generic Truvada for PrEP. Your individual insurance plan, health history, and location within Canada can impact your fit for Descovy or generic Truvada. 

What is Descovy generic?

Generic formulations of Descovy have not been approved for use in Canada, meaning the brand name option is the only one available at this point. It may take some time for Descovy’s patent to expire, allowing the development of more accessible generic versions.

Is there a generic for Descovy?

No. there is currently no therapeutic equivalent of Descovy available in Canada. 

Additional sources:

Reviewed by:
Dr. Caley Shukalek

Caley is passionate about evidence-based, patient-centred care, including telemedicine that can provide high quality care from wherever a patient may choose.

He helped create Alberta's PrEP guidelines and works as a specialist in General Internal Medicine with additional training in sexual health, including HIV and sexually transmitted infections.

He holds an Masters of Public Health from Johns Hopkins University, an MD from the University of Calgary and an MSc from the University of Alberta.